Zambezi Portland Cement Factory Is Now Under Ownership Of Portland Cement, Thanks To Court Of Appeal

One of the best decisions for Dr. Rajan Mahtani, apart from establishing his companies and maintaining a path towards transparency and honesty, was approaching the higher Court of Appeal after failed verdict from Lusaka High Court. It ought to be noticed that during the time the manufacturing plant was under fight in court, its productivity diminished altogether because of absence of proper authority and upkeep. Therefore, this transition to give brisk decision by the Court of Appeal judge was hailed by many. Equity Mwinde then assessed all the confirmations and tributes put together by the two gatherings and gave an official choice looking into the issue on 31st January 2019, around nine months after the case was enlisted by Dr. Rajan Mahtani. This was without a doubt a brisk choice from the Court of Appeal

The choice from Court of Appeal judge was brisk, but at the same time was straightforward and intelligent. All confirmations were assessed and a few basic ends were reached. For example, it was presumed that Dr. Rajan Mahtani to be sure made an instalment of one billion kwachas to the Zambezi Portland Cement in return for greater part shares at the industrial facility. This instalment was made in the year 2005 by Finsbury Investments in the interest of Dr. Rajan Mahtani. This sum secured the offer capital incentive for 58 percent Zambezi Portland Cement. Besides, the confirmations likewise affirmed that this trade of offers for the said sum was acknowledged by every significant investor related with the processing plant, as written in the page number 663 of the first investors understanding.

Based on the above evidences, Dr. Rajan Mahtani was found to be the actual owner of the Portland Cement Zambia factory.


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